Saturday, February 14, 2015

i am the Author of the upcoming book....

"p s y c h i a t r i c r e v o l u t i o n "

What is Life?
The quality we come to experience emotionally?

Isn't it simply a 'Do It To Ourselves
simple Math-Equasion?

1 comment:

  1. Kartik shared:- I loved a girl but she has chosen another one.
    Went into serious depression bcoz of it, both were my colleagues.
    Suddenly I started hearing her voices 24/7. That's where my life
    got fucked, resigned my job also. Can severe depression
    cause of love failure for 2 months lead to hallucinations and
    delusions? Or does schizophrenia comes randomly without any cause?
    Pwagner commented:- You poor thing! Unreturned love is very painful.
    Have you seen a health professional? All pain passes eventually,
    although the scar tissue can be bothersome.

    K:- yes i consulted a psychiartist .. Hallucinations are almost over after
    2 years of medication. But I feel depressed whenever I think about her

    • Larry Baxter Yes. Thinking and making up normal life situations and stimuli, with ones quality of self talk, and make-belief, about what actions of others mean,...can lead one to be quite emotionally distraught, to the estent of creatively imagening all kinds and qualities of scenarios and believing them real!

    It might be even more useful to connect and to consult with a truly skilled and effective therapeutic mentor/coach to assist in exploring more useful ways of 'doing oneself'

    Larry Baxter Yes, karthik, one can suppress and intoxicate oneself, emotionally straitjacket oneself, with psyc drugs, administered by dr's who are taught to simplistically believe individuals lack the ability of exploring or discovering, or having any intelligence, to make more useful choices of their habits of self talk or beliefs, for themselves. That is why they say ‘take this’, drug yourself, and go away, don't bother me. smh
